
How to trust God Everyday

How to trust God Everyday

Trusting God – How can you really trust God, what kind of faith would be sufficient enough to trust in the one true God? I believe at one point in our we’ve have asked our self this question especially when things do not go our own way. The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) – Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. In this Bible passage take note of the word “submit” which means to accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person – and as funny as this may sound trusting God just simply means to let go. As you read on, you will find various ways to build your trust in God

Use The Best With What You Have

Going through life can be a struggle, especially when we aren’t satisfied with where we are now. Let me ask you this – How would you describe yoor life? Do you feel happy? Do you wish you were living the life of a neighbour, a spouse, a relation doing much better than you are? If your answer is yes – then this simply means is that you don’t trust in God. In reality measuring individual lives and success just brings about spite and worry – trust me worrying lead no where just another junk pile of more worries. Learn to let go be content, work with what you have and see God bless and multiply your harvest. Don’t be like the man with one talent (Matt.25 Verses 14 to 30) who failed to use what he was given and preferred to bury it – not only was he not rewarded (his talent was given to the one who worked on his) he was also punished.

God forbids coveting and includes it in the Ten Commandments. A new rule that should be established in your life to help  deal with reality and stop wasting time being irritated according to Joyce Meyer should be  “It is what it is!” Life satisfaction is a choice we must make, not a feeling. It entails being content with our circumstances and making the most of what we have. Maintaining a mindset that enables us to appreciate the gift of life is another aspect of it. Another reality check is that most people’s lives are not precisely as we see them. You’d never know what was wrong with the person you were comparing your life to, so thank God for what you have and go about living your life.

Talk about the good things God has done for you.

We talk a lot about our emotions, but it’s vital to keep in mind that doing so amplifies their impact. It’s crucial to talk about the positive feelings and avoid talking about the negative ones. Talking for the sake of talking is pointless; if unfavorable feelings linger, asking for prayer or seeking biblically-based counsel is a good thing. God is faithful to give us the strength to make right choices regardless of our feelings.

MATTHEW 12:36 – But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.

In summary – if taking about negative things a lot amplifies it, rather talk about the good things God has done for you. Not that shouldn’t express yourself if things aren’t going the way you planned but it’s much better to talk to the ever listening God.

Your thoughts are the first step to success.

Successful people have a strategy and talk to themselves about it frequently. They also believe that they have the ability to think deliberately and to align their thoughts with their actions. Even if the author disagrees with the reader’s stated goals for life, the author exhorts them to try to choose their thinking. The author exhorts readers to catch their thoughts when they are traveling in the wrong way and surrender them to Christ as the Bible commands (see 2 Cor. 10:5). The author exhorts readers to take charge of their feelings and thoughts, claiming that doing so will yield worthwhile outcomes.

You were not created to feel guilty

Any feeling of guilt is not of God but of the devil. God never tries to make us feel guilty, but instead convicts us of wrong choices and actions.

God never intended for His children to experience guilt, so He sent Jesus to atone for their sins. We have been delivered from the grip of sin as followers of Jesus Christ, and when we confess our transgressions, we are able to ask for and receive forgiveness. We must make progress in our relationship with God in order to move from bad behavior to holiness; otherwise, we will never experience true freedom and joy.

Torn between doing what’s right and what’s wrong

Like me, I’m sure you too often feel like a war is going on within us, where one part of us (the inner person) wants to do what is right, while the other part (the outer person) wants to do what is wrong. The apostle Paul describes feeling the same way in Romans, chapter 7, where he fails to practice the good that he desires to do and instead does evil. He realized that only Christ can deliver him from the fleshly action, and learned to lean on God for strength and then use his will to choose what was right. He died daily, which meant that he died to his own fleshly desires in order to glorify God. The truth is that we must die to ourselves if we want to truly live the lives God has provided for us through Jesus Christ. When we are willing to live by biblical principles rather than emotion, we are dying to selfishness and will enjoy the abundant life of God.

Variety Has a Lot to Offer

It is part of God’s plan to create variety in our lives, and that it is important to take responsibility for our joy and never give anyone else the job of keeping us happy. Take responsibility for your joy and never give anyone else the job of keeping us happy, and that we should add a little variety to our lives, break up our routine, do something different, and expect God to meet us and help make our ordinary life extraordinary. This is a new thought that may seem foreign and unspiritual, but it is part of God’s plan.

Develop new routines

God’s Word teaches us that when we receive Christ as our Savior and Lord, He gives us a new nature, a spirit of discipline and self-control, and a sound mind. He also gives us the ability and offers to help us, but we must choose spirit over flesh and right over wrong. Without God’s help, we have difficulty doing things in moderation, such as eating too much, spending too much money, having too much entertainment, and talking too much. God gives us His Spirit to enable us to make right and wise choices, but we still have to cast the deciding vote. Forming new habits will require making a decision to not do what we feel like doing unless it agrees with God’s will.

Look after what God has given you.

Taking care of the body God has given us and our bodies is the most important kind of “home maintenance” we can do. This is because our bodies are the home of our spirit where God dwells, and to do the work we were meant to do, we need to keep them in shape.

Right choices equals a better life

The Bible encourages us to take the narrow path, the more difficult one, which leads to life. We must make a strong effort to push through the negativity in the world, but if we do our part, God will always do His. We must be willing to do what is right and our reward will surely come. We must study the Word of God regularly and seek God because we know we cannot navigate safely in this world without Him. God has set before us life and death, good and evil, and has given us the responsibility of making the choice.

It is not wrong to dress nicely.

Peter encourages Christians to resist the temptation to confuse outer beauty for what is most important, which is a gentle and peaceful spirit. He also encourages them to not be vain or put all their confidence in how they look, as God focuses on what is inside. He also encourages them to keep the big picture in mind and decide what amount of attention they should pay to how they look and feel to get the maximum energy, health, and charisma they need to do their work as successfully as possible.

Let not yours be the [merely] external adorning with [elaborate] interweaving and knotting of the hair, the wearing of jewelry, or changes of clothes; but let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which . . . is very precious in the sight of God.

 1 PETER 3:3–4


According to Joyce Meyer a book that was based on the word nevertheless taught her how to take every problem in her life, look at it honestly, and then say, “nevertheless,” and find some offsetting positive thing in the individual’s life that brought the problem into perspective. It could sound like this: “I have a lot of hard work to get accomplished in the next two weeks; nevertheless, after that my schedule is much more open, and I will be able to have some fun and get some extra rest.” No matter who we are or what our challenge in life is, there is always a “nevertheless”—some positive thing we can look at or talk about that brings the rest of life into perspective. The next time we are tempted to complain about our life in any way, go ahead and state our complaint, and then say, “nevertheless,” and find something positive about our life to offset the complaint.

When to start and When to stop

 TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven . . .  


Jesus stopped what He was doing in order to listen to people and help them, rest, have dinner with friends, make wine for a wedding, and do lots of other simple but important things. When Jesus visited Mary and Martha, Mary knew when to stop, but Martha didn’t. Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything, and that everything is beautiful in its time. Work is beautiful, but if we work when it is time to play, then work is no longer beautiful and can destroy our health. Play is beautiful, but if we play when we should be working, then play becomes a lack of discipline that can destroy us. A good life is all about balance, and we have to know when to start and when to stop.

This article is based on Joyce Meyer’s Book “Trusting God Day by Day”Check Out Their Website